Together, we will transform a monument to hate into a beacon of truth-telling, reparative justice, and liberation.
A gift, in any amount, brings us ever closer to this collective goal – thank you!
Via our secure donation form:
Made out to
Transform 1012 N. Main Street
Mailed to:
1617 Park Place Ave., Suite 110-T, Fort Worth, TX 76110.
Please include your email address with your check so we can thank you and send a donation receipt.
Link your Kroger Shoppers Card
If you have a Kroger’s Shopper’s card, you can nominate Transform 1012 as your preferred charity. Kroger will then donate a portion of your purchases every time you swipe your Shoppers Card at checkout –
at no additional cost to you!
To link your Shopper’s Card, simply open the Kroger app on your phone, click the three dashes in the top right corner then select, Rewards, then Community Rewards and search “Transform 1012 N Main Street”.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 87-1108041
Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent the law allows.

The project has received widespread support including Fort Worth and Texas chapters of the NAACP, Congressman Marc Veasey (D-TX), National Trust for Historic Preservation, City of Fort Worth leadership, local clergy, local arts organizations, faculty from Texas Christian University and the University of Texas-Arlington, President of Minnesota College of Art and Design, Curator of Jewish Museum of Milwaukee, and the International Coalition for Sites of Conscience, of which we are a member.
In October 2021, Transform 1012 received Urban Land Institute of Dallas-Fort Worth’s 2021 Next Big Idea Award, recognizing innovative ideas that can positively impact the region’s quality of life. In May 2022, Historic Fort Worth put Transform 1012 on the annual “Endangered List.” In November 2023, the Texas Society of Architects awarded Transform 1012 with a “Citation of Honor” in recognition of significant contributions in supporting the creation of safe, beautiful, equitable, and sustainable environments and communities in Texas. In April 2024, we were presented with the inaugural “Community Impact Award” from Brite Divinity School for Theology and Justice.
Project support comes from Rainwater Charitable Foundation; Atmos Energy, as part of their Fueling Safe and Thriving Communities initiative 2022 & 2023; Tecovas Foundation 2022 & 2023; The Ford Foundation 2022 & 2023; North Texas Community Foundation, Fund to Advance Racial Equity; Congressional Community Project Funding 2022 & 2023; MASS Design Group, Catalyst Grant; Mellon Foundation 2022, 2023 & 2024; National Endowment for the Arts “Arts Projects” 2022 & 2023; National Endowment for the Arts “Our Town” 2023; TurningPoint Foundation 2023, 2024, & 2025; DuBose Family Foundation; Simons Foundation; Ben E. Keith Foundation 2023, 2024 & 2025; The Projects Group, as well as over 100 individual donors.
Individual Annual Fund Donors (as of March 2024).
Robert Ahdieh
Kristen Almeida
Daniel Banks
Vanessa Barker
Kurt Baum
Bradley Borougerdi
Lauren Brants
Tim Bruster
Martha Burford
Ashleigh Burns
Julie Campbell
Willie Campbell
Freddy Cantu
Ara Casey
Kippen de Alba Chu
Tracy Cliburn
Elizabeth Cooper
Elizabeth Corley
Kathleen Culebro
Adena Cytron-Walker
Leon Daniels
Stephanie Deyette-Cheung
Lisa Efthymiou
Daniel Fernandez
Karen Fox
Stephanie Friedman
Amy Fuller
Delores Galen-Kloepfel
Ayesha Ganguly
Edith Gause
Sarah Geer
Wesley Gentle
Carla Gentry
Ryan Goins
Kennard Goodman
Timothy Griffin
Alex Hargis
Sharon Herrera
Patricia Hokanson
Emily Holmes
Natasha Hunter
Suzie Jary
Joe and Lynn Kalbfleisch
John Langsdorf
Adelaide Leavens
James Liljenwall
Jamie Loasby
Katherine Lyle
Larry Lyles
Carey K Mahelona
Julie Maxwell
Quentin McGown
Robyn Michalove
Kayla Miles
Angela Mitchell
Clara Moore
Lou Murrin-Honoré
Irfana Jetha Noorani
Gabriela Norton
Brandy O'Quinn
Augustin Paculdar
Kristen Palyan
Harry Parker
Daniel Payne
Christine Peirce
Tom Perryman
Kylie Pratt
Traci Quinn
Paul Rakow
Roman Ramirez
Lucinda Rather
Lorie Reilly
Nisha Richardson
Terry Richardson
Miriam Roberts
Fred Rouse
Cynthia Rowland
Brian Sands
Clare Seagraves
Suzanne Seeger
Jay Semple
Catherine Severin
George Shackleford
Rebecca Sharpless
Elizabeth Silkes
Nicole Slobodin
Arlene Spanier
Ken Sparks
John Stevenson
Frank Stevenson
Gail Stewart
John Taylor
Jessica Tetirick
Nancy Turner
Lorena Vargas
Katherine Ware
Christi Weindorf
James Whitfield
Kia Williams
Gary Willis
Lyn Willis
Taylor Willis
Mike Wright-Chapman
Marissa Yonamine
Ann Zadeh
If you like to Support the Transformation please click
For questions about your donation, please email greg@transform1012.org
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 87-1108041
Another way to give is to click the VOLUNTEER button below